About the Client

Fidelity Investments offers Financial Planning and Advice, Retirement Plans, Wealth Management Services, Trading and Brokerage services, and a wide range of investment products including Mutual Funds, ETFs, Fixed income Bonds and CDs and much more.


The Fidelity assessment application was in a very raw proof of concept state when Magneton Labs was brought in to act as the development team that would create a production-ready product. Fidelity already had customers signed up and ready to start utilizing the application for their recruiting needs, but still had a substantial roadmap of features in need of implementation. Magneton Labs’s challenge was to implement essential features, including the full assessment workflow and corresponding administrative tasks, in order to launch Fidelity. We continued to help build out the application based on customers’ feedback about their additional needs.


Our team of experts collaborated with the client to address these challenges by transitioning to a Next.